This is a one-day training course for NHS data analysts who are completely new to R. The course assumes that you know nothing about R and want to learn enough R very quickly to see if it will help you.
The course is split into four 90-minute sessions. In each session we use (mainly) the {dplyr} package to analyse and summarize the data, and then the {ggplot2} package to create visualizations of the data. The exercises start simple, and then build up gradually session-by-session using lots of repetition (we only introduce complexities one at a time!). Your repertoire of functions and arguments builds surprisingly quickly by doing useful things in R using real, fully anonymised, healthcare data.
Session 1 / Draw a line chart
The first session of the course shows how to do a basic import of an .xlsx file with one worksheet, then apply several of the five core functions of {dplyr} to it, then use geom_line() from the ggplot2 package to show how four-hour compliance improved over a 52-week period.
Session 2 / Draw a scatterplot
The second session adds small layers of complication to the first session. The import is still of an .xlsx file but this time it contains multiple worksheets. The dplyr functions get more of a workout, with the group_by() function being brought into service to bring the summarize() function to life. The finished chart is a scatterplot showing the relationship between ED fullness and ED four-hour performance.
Session 3 / Draw a horizontal bar chart
In the third session we import .csv data instead of .xlsx data. And we then have to address the complications this introduces by using functions from the lubridate within mutate(). We also learn how to deal with null values and missing values in our dataframes before developing our ggplot2 charting knowledge using geom_bar() and geom_col().
Session 4 / Draw a scatterplot
The final session builds on the skills learned and practiced in the earlier three sessions (we introduce if_else() within summarize() to help us create more meaningful summary tables) to create a scatterplot that explores the relationship between the age of people attending A&E and their likelihood of arriving via 999 Ambulance.
The course has been designed to be delivered conventionally or virtually (via Microsoft Teams). Each participant will need their own laptop and we will work through a series of exercises together. All of the installation instructions will be circulated well in advance of the course (and help will be given to people who experience installation issues) so that we minimise the risk of technical glitches during the course itself.
R from a Standing Start can be booked as either an on-site face-to-face course or as a virtual course (via Microsoft Teams) for £1,250+VAT, and up to 12 participants can be accommodated in each workshop session. Email to start making arrangements.
No experience of R is needed for this training course.